Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What does mouthwash have to do with Blade Runner?

The director on these ads that I drew the shooting boards for used to be an art director at Chiat Day.
Back in the day he worked with Ridley Scott on the Apple '1984' ad.
Ridley Scott directed Blade Runner.

So there you go, all tied up in a neat little bow, Kevin Bacon style.

I drew a bucket full of other frames to give the director plenty of editorial choices which you can see below (in no particular order)...
Crest shooting boards

Crest shooting boards

StoryboardSquad website HERE
Steve's sculpture website HERE
Meridee's paintings HERE
Steve's sculpture blog HERE


  1. These frames you drew are great! I like the video as well! Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Nice Stuff! your board work is clean!
